In an earlier post, I had mentioned that Thomas and I were struggling with some job decisions that needed to be made and that, at that time, I didn't really want to go into anything. However, one major development has occurred!! Thomas applied for a job with the City of Canyon about a month ago with the Parks Department. He interviewed and it went REALLY well. However, the day of Nancy's funeral, the City Manager called Thomas and told him that he was number 2 in the runnings and the number 1 guy accepted the position. It was a really hard blow for us to take! We had a lot of allies at the City who were putting in "good words" for Thomas and we were discouraged. I cried for a couple of minutes, and then, it was like a lightbulb went off in my head. Why was I crying over a job that God didn't want Thomas to have? Apparently, there is something better out there that God just wants us to patient for, right? Well, last Monday, Thomas called me at 10:00am and said that the City of Canyon had just called him. The number 1 guy didn't work out and they wanted to interview Thomas again. He interviewed at 11:00 and at 4:00, while we had Malachi at the Dr., they called and offered him the job!!! We were SO excited. You see, for any further developments with MY job situation to take place, Thomas would HAVE to get a job with full benefits making a certain amount of money. Well, we prayed for that certain amount of money, and God gave it to us, PLUS a little extra!! Thomas has his own truck, a cell phone, uniforms (Yea - No more buying clothes just so they can get ruined,) and his hours are from 7:30-4:30 AND FULL BENEFITS that are CHEAPER than they are at my work!!! With his hours the way they are he can help me get Malachi ready in the morning, and he can pick him up in the evenings before I get off of work. He has even been going to see Malachi at lunch! I am SO proud of him!
He's over Southeast Park in Canyon, including the baseball complex. He's learning a lot about the maintenance of baseball fields and he's SO excited for the new challenge!! So, God has done a LOT for us the last week!! (As if He's not ALWAYS doing a LOT for us!!) Now, we are praying fervently that God will allow ME the opportunities that I desire. All I can say is that after having Malachi ALL of my priorities changed. My needs, my desires and my wants have all changed and they all now revolve around my incredible little boy and husband! No longer do I care about my career, my reputation or establishing my name. I care about my family FIRST and spending every moment with my little man and my main man that I can!! So, please be praying with us that God will continue to bless us and will allow our dreams to continue to come true, as they have for the last 10 years of our life together!!
Congratulate Thomas if and when you talk to him or see him! He deserves it!
On another front, Malachi is sleeping VERY well lately which we are really excited about! I'm actually getting used to it now, instead of checking on him every hour!! But, I hear that's pretty normal the first few times your baby sleeps through the night! Every night when we go to bed, Thomas and I snuggle up and Thomas prays thanking God for our precious baby and asking for His protection over Malachi. There's just something about that acknowledgement of God's gift and prayer for His continued blessings towards Malachi that helps me to sleep at night! I can't wait to teach Malachi how to pray like that! I want him to learn EARLY how to listen for God's voice and direction! The earlier he learns, the better!!
We also took him to the Dr. yesterday for his 4 month checkup. I KNOW!!! Can you believe it's already been 4 months? He is officially an "Average size" baby!! He's 26 inches long and weighs 14 pounds even!! That means that in 4 months, he's gained over 8 pounds and grown 7 1/4 inches! The Dr. is completely thrilled! His little growth chart looks like a line, instead of a curve! He said everything looks great and that we've got a wonderful little boy on our hands! (As if we didn't know that already!)
He has also started talking, A LOT lately. It's like overnight he found his hands and his voice. The only time he's not talking, if he's awake, is when he's sucking on his hands! But, it's great!!
Malachi's first Live Band!!