Well, from reading Jennie and Jordan's blog, it has become apparent that both of us apparently began nesting this weekend! We only have a few boxes from our move that have remained unopened, but we had a few little projects that we needed to get done! We got towel racks hung in our bathrooms, and got old bedding put away...But, the most fun was continuing the decorations in Malachi's room. We got some pictures put up that match his bedding and we got his little name "M-A-L-A-C-H-I" that we decorated in animal print hung up above his bed. We also wrote out some VERY important thank you notes that we have been needing to do. Dad has been hard at work keeping everything going around the house, especially when all mom feels like doing is coming home and CRASHING! Little Malachi is VERY blessed to be coming into the world with such a wonderful dad!
On a different note, as you all know, Thomas has his own business and it has TAKEN OFF in the last couple of weeks. He has signs up on his trailer, has ordered his business cards, and people are calling him LEFT and RIGHT for quotes! His hard work is paying off and people are really beginning to see how talented he really is with landscaping. Just keep praying that his business will continue to do well...I am so very proud of how far he has come in just a short year!!
We also got the results from our Dr's appt last week and everything looks good there. I'm a little bit anemic, but I just have to take OTC iron pills and the Dr. said that would be fine! But, no gestational diabetes or abnormalities in my blood sugar! I'm almost 29 weeks and feeling pretty good. Malachi is kicking and rolling around and doing SO well. Lord willing, in another 11 1/2 weeks, we'll all get to meet Malachi finally and our lives will NEVER be the same!! We'll take some updated pictures and get them posted ASAP!
6 years ago
1 comment:
Love your nursery !!! CONGRATS
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