We took little Malachi to the Dr. yesterday for his 2 week check-up and got GREAT news!! He has gained 5 oz and is up to 6 lbs 2 oz!! The Dr. said just NOT LOSING WEIGHT at this point is the gold standard, so he's thrilled! He's also grown 1/2 an inch and his head has grown 1 1/4 inches! He is absolutely our life. You know, it's funny, we knew our lives would completely change when we had Malachi, but we never dreamed how much richer they would be. Today is our 4th anniversary and it's funny that 4 years ago we were just beginning our life as man and wife. Now, we're just beginning our life as mom and dad and we can't believe how blessed we are! The one thing we've said we couldn't wait for was to lay our son between us on Saturday morning and just watch him. This last Saturday, we had the opportunity to do that! It was GLORIOUS! It was so special to watch Thomas looking down at Malachi and watch Malachi looking up at Thomas. They look so much alike and it's such a blessing to watch them together! Your whole identity changes once you become a parent. No longer am I Jamie, who works at PRPC. I'm Malachi's mom and Thomas is Malachi's daddy! It's a title we waited so long to have that we are thrilled to give up who we were! We're SO thankful!
We're finally settling down and starting to figure out how things are going to work with the baby! He's still eating every 4 hours and we're getting his tummy "situation" figured out. He's getting gas drops when he eats which is settling down his tummy and really allowing him to sleep well. Last night, in fact, he ate at 10:45, slept until 2:45 and ate again. Then, he slept until almost 7 and ate again. So, we were able to get some good sleep. Since it's our anniversary, tonight, Lolli is going to watch him while Daddy and I get to go on our first date in who knows how long. I bought a new dress this weekend and we're going to Marty's for dinner! It'll be nice to get out and spend some time just the two of us! But, I'm sure we'll be ready by the time dinner is over to get home to our little boy too!
We are having so much fun!!
6 years ago
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