The Allen Family went on their first official vacation over the 4th of July holiday. We packed our bags (and about 3/4 of Malachi's room) and headed north to Colorado Springs, on Thursday afternoon around 3:00.
What a shock it was to our system trying to pack for a newborn. You never know how many outfits you're going to need, you never know how many diapers you're going to need, you know he'll need long and short sleeved outfits, but how many blankets do you pack? So, in true form, we WAY overpacked. We were going to the mountains, after all, shouldn't we take long sleeved? But then, what if he gets hot? I guess we better take short sleeved to. But then, what happens if he spits up, or, closer to Malachi's heart, what if he has a "blow out?" And that's not even getting into packing all of his cute outfits, because, after all, he does have to be the cutest baby anybody's ever seen when you're showing him off. So, you pack your favorite outfits for him, after they're ironed and creased and he's gonna look SO adorable. Then, of course, there's the matching socks and shoes, and no outfit would be complete without the matching bib, burp cloth and blanket. I know, it totally sounds like I'm raising a sissy. But, I can't accessorize with panties and bows, so I've got to figure out some other way! Then, there's the stroller, his music maker so he can sleep well, and, of course, LOTS of pictures once you're there!
Here's Malachi sleeping away at the zoo!
I just thought this was cute!
But, after all is said and done, it was such a blast having our baby there with us!! He was, as you might expect, the talk of the town. haha We're not partial or anything.
Last but not least, here are a couple of videos of Malachi playing the other night! He's getting so big, we can't believe it!!!
Finally, Congratulations to Jennie and Jordan on the arrival of THEIR new bundle of joy, Elliot Grace! We can't wait to meet her! The Allens, Jacksons and all their extended family have been SO BLESSED this year! Thank you Lord for allowing these two precious angels into our lives!
I'm so glad that you read my blog! I have enjoyed reading yours, too. Congrats on your baby boy! I know you must be having so much fun with him! Please send me your email address and I can send you the link to our private blog. denise.reese@yahoo.com
I totally agree about dressing baby in the cutest boy clothes! Just becuase they are boys doesn't mean they can't have a little style, right? haha.
I'm glad you are enjoying being a Mama. I am still waiting and waiting...
Hi! I love the videos. They are so much fun! Thanks for posting!
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