Last weekend, we said goodbye to Grandma Elliott and I must admit that it was probably one of the most beautiful funeral services I have ever had the privilege of attending! There were so many kind words said about her and they really did a beautiful job planning the service! The flowers were beautiful and overall it was just AWESOME. (If you can say that about a funeral) Jennie and I even split the "Great Grandmother" ribbon for our kiddos! She got the "Great" and we got the "Grandmother"
Saturday, however, we got the babies together for the first time and I got to meet sweet Elliot! She is adorable and we had so much fun!
Malachi is just HUGE compared to Elliot - But, I guess that's how he's destined to be - Considering how big his daddy is!! She has such ADORABLE hair and I'm sure it's going to be curly like her momma's!! Jennie looks great and we really had a great time with Minnow, Aunt Bubzees and Aunt Jennie. (I guess we'll have to come up with fun names for me and Jennie later!!) We missed Uncle Jordan, but we'll all get together soon enough, I guess!!
After our whirlwind day trip to Haskell, we were EXHAUSTED when we got home Sunday night! And, of course, Malachi decided to have a difficult night Sunday night, so we didn't really get to rest very much! So, Monday was pretty rough! All week long, we went to work, came home, died, got up the next morning and did it all over again! Then, Friday night, we went to Feldman's Diner for my b-day dinner!
Saturday, we went to a couple of garage sales, I got a new purse, a new wallet and a brag book, FINALLY, so I can carry pictures around of my sweet family!! (Wow, that feels weird, I have a FAMILY now!!) Saturday night, we stayed home and chilled, just the 3 of us! It was great! Sunday, we got up, went to church, came home and then went to Lolli and Pops' house for lunch! THEN...Are you ready for this?...Lolli and Pops watched Malachi so mommy and daddy could go home and.......
CLEAN!!! YEA FOR US! We scrubbed baseboards, scrubbed bathtubs, dusted, rearranged, cleaned out! It was SO therapeutic! And, now we have a clean house to go to!
Okay, I just thought this was cute!!

Anyway, we hung out last night, went to sleep, and now we're starting a whole new work week. On that front, we are going through a lot right now between our jobs. As you know, Thomas has his own business, and business has been, well, SLOW lately. I'm assuming it's because NOT MANY people can afford to get the "extra" landscaping done that they could last year with inflation. BUT...on the up side, he had a job interview last week with the City of Canyon to be the #2 man in the Parks department. So, he'll still get to work outside, but he'll have benefits, a steady work schedule and guaranteed income! I am also having a difficult time right now with my job. Yes, I got a promotion a week after I came back from maternity leave...Yes, I got a big raise with that promotion...Yes, I enjoy what I'm doing. What I don't enjoy is the stress I am under and how I feel AFTER work. The night meetings stink and that's time that I miss out from spending with my little boy and my husband. And, even when I'm at home, I'm still thinking about work, so what's the point of being at home? There are several options on the horizon that I don't want to get into right now, but just be praying (as we are...diligently) that God will give us the answer we need and are looking for!! I know He's in control, but sometimes it's so hard when you want an answer NOW!
Switching gears now...We got pictures made on July 12th (Malachi was 8 weeks old) Here are just a few of the AWESOME pictures we got. In a couple of weeks, he will be getting his 3 month pictures made, and I'll post those when we get them! Enjoy!!
These 3 are pictures that were made at the daycare! It was a beach scene!!
(I LOVE that tongue!!!)
These are the professional shots!
It's INCREDIBLE how much he and Malachi look alike!!!
And finally, here are my sweet Niece and Nephew, Kadi and Karter!
(Okay, no, Logan didn't have kids at 12, but these babies are my niece and nephew as far as I'm concerned!)
So, as you can see (read) we have been VERY busy lately! But, overall, life is still just great! Being a mom is more incredible than I thought it EVER would be! I'm happier than I've ever been!! Thank you God for blessing me SO much!!!
Those are great family photos! Malachi does look like Thomas as a baby! It was great to see you guys at Minnow's! Aunt Bubzees
Wow! Somebody looks just like Daddy! I LOVE the family photos of the three of you. :) I can't wait to do those too. It's so fun to see the little guys change in appearance in just a couple of weeks. It's going by too fast already, isn't it?? LOVE!
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