It's now been 2 whole days without ONE instance of a major spit-up - minor spit-ups are normal...
He seems to be tolerating the goat's milk VERY well which is a VERY good thing. Mommy and Daddy are very tired and ready to have "Happy Malachi" back!! He's had QUITE a rough day today. We're not sure if he's tired or if he doesn't feel good. I know he hasn't pooped except yesterday when we finally got some out of him in the morning. But, that's all...
We're supposed to go to Karter's birthday party in a couple of hours, but it just depends on how Malachi is doing. I'd like to go, but if he's sleeping in about an hour, when it'll be time to get him up, bathed and changed, he's going to stay that way. He's had Tylenol, so maybe if he's not feeling well, that will help...
Thank you Dr. Hinders for recommending what SEEMS (right now, maybe) to be a solution!!
6 years ago
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