Here is a copy of the letter I sent!

As far back as I remember, my mom has always been my best friend! She has made me the woman I am today, showing me who and what it is I'm supposed to embody as a Christian mother. She has always been fun, but fair - friendly, but firm.
She is an incredible grandmother (Lolli) to my son, but also plays a motherly role to 85 other children at the daycare she owns, Playhouse, in Canyon.
I have always had to share her with those other children (and parents, and teachers) at her daycare but have NEVER felt as though I came in anywhere but the top of her list! She gave me the world's most incredible little brother and raised us both with a wonderful father!
She now keeps my son with her at daycare and I wouldn't have it any other way! He recently graduated from a cradle to a playpen in her office and rarely is he anywhere but by her side! I'm thankful that he has her everyday since I'm unable to be with him while I work and if I could move closer than the 4 blocks away that we currently live, I would!
My life will be a success if I can be half the mother to my son that she has been to me and my brother!
The voting was REALLY tough, but we pulled it out and she won! Now, she's getting $1,200.00 worth of prizes! It's SO worth it!! More updates after this weekend and we get to celebrate with her!
Now, onto MY first mother's day!
Malachi is moving SO FAST these days! It seems like just last week I was telling you he MIGHT get his top tooth in...WAIT, that WAS last week! That top tooth broke through the same day I said it might and now we're waiting on the 2nd to come through! Then, he somehow figured out how to give kisses (the BEST EVER) almost on his own and now we can't get enough of them! We tell him to give us kisses and he leans over with a huge open mouth and just lays it on you! Does it get any better than this? I ask you!
He's saying mamamamamamama all the time now, he now says "bye-bye" when he waves, and is saying ba-ba-ba-ba when he plays with his favorite toy (his golf ball!) He will sit for hours in the kitchen throwing the golf ball, laughing, then chasing it down and throwing it again! Last Saturday he sat about 3 feet away from the refrigerator and kept bouncing his ball into the refrigerator, and cracking up when it rolled back to him! Incidentally, thanks to daddy for finding said golf ball this morning! He lost it Wednesday night and we have looked EVERYWHERE for it! Turns out he put it in the basket of whites that has been sitting in the living room for the last couple of nights and lost it in between the socks and t-shirts! Oh well...he got it back this morning and you would've thought he'd found his long lost kitty! He was SO happy!!
He's also pulling up now and starting to get his feet under him! It won't be ANYTIME before he's cruisin' the couch and walking!
We got his pictures made last weekend and just looked at them last night! They are THE BEST! He's smiling SO big! I'll have to post them as soon as I get them!!
Next weekend is the big 1st b-day and we're working HARD at planning everything! I'll post more updates as soon as I get a chance, but just know, I could not be more blessed with a more perfect little boy! Thank you Lord for bringing him through the tough year he's had and for giving him such a sweet countenance!!
I love you Malachi!
Aww. Happy first mother's day! :)
How exciting about your mom winning!! That was really nice of you to nominate her. :)
And Happy Mother's Day! Isn't it great!!!
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