Here are the rules: Say thanks and give a link to the presenter of the award. Share "10 Honest Things" about myself. Present the award to 7 others whose Blogs I find brilliant in content and/or design, or those who have encouraged me. Tell those 7 people they've been awarded Honest Scrap and inform them of these guidelines in receiving.
Wow - a Blog Award? REALLY? Thanks to Sandy from The Hop Family for the awesome award. I'm NOTHING if not honest! So...here goes!
1. My rear end hurts from the two shots I got yesterday to treat my sinus infection.
2. I secretly LOVE days when either I'm sick or my son's sick because that means that I get more time to spend with him and MUCH more cuddle time!
3. I LOATHE cooking.
4. My favorite time of the month is payday. NO...not for the obvious reasons, but because that means we get to see our debt reduced again!
5. I'm working HARD at becoming a better wife thanks to the Lord and our awesome Ladies' Bible Study based on Psalm 14:1. LOOK IT UP!
6. I can't wait until we DO get our debt paid off so that we can continue fixing up our little house! Then...ultimately, we can sell and move into our dream home and be RICH!
7. I'm nervous about getting pregnant again. I didn't handle post-partum very well last time and with all we've gone through with Malachi (GRANTED...not NEARLY as much as some others!) I'm a little apprehensive. Oh well...I've (hopefully) got a while before I have to worry about that.
So...NOW to forward this sweet award on!
1. Magee Baby
3. Nicole
4. Elisa
Love it! By the way, I had bad baby blues with my first too, and nothing but peace with the second. I hope it goes that way for you too! (that's the reason there are 3 yeras 8 months between my two) You will do great! I have faith! p.s. great verse!
Hey! Thanks for the fun award!!! I've posted some stuff. :)
Jamie- for the life of me I could not find your email address to email you the latest with Jaxson. If you would like, email me at mom2jaxson@aol.com. Hope all is well!
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