This is what we've been up to...
1. Not blogging (but that's obvious, right?)
2 - Eating chocolate pudding while mom tries not to be OCD and wipe my mouth after every bite!
3. Setting up and sleeping in our big boy bed!
4. Eating lunch with Pops wearing matching shirts!
5. Digging out from the snow...La Nina Who?
7. Taking pictures of aforementioned sweetheart EATING his fruit 10 minutes!
8. Making Valentine's for Malachi's Class!
As you can see...we've really done some fun things together since Christmas came and went! Thomas is doing ABSOLUTELY fantastic on his diet and has lost 20 pounds in the last 6 weeks!!! He feels great, looks even better and has more energy than he has in a VERY long time!! I, on the other hand, have TOTALLY fallen off the wagon! I certainly haven't gained anything, but I'm just not losing anything either. Honestly, I gained about 30 pounds after high school (I was a TOOTHPICK) and have stayed the same weight for the last 9 or so years (except for about an 18 month period during and after baby!) I'm pretty okay with where I'm at!!
We're also celebrating the fact that Tuesday marked the end of our "3 month post-miscarriage wait" and now have the full blessing of our doctor to hurry up and get pregnant again!! I will be saving the news this time for a while, but I covet everyones' prayers for the health of our next pregnancy...and that it will happen SOON!! We're so ready to have a second little Allen running around!!! Everyone was right...the 3 months went by SO quickly!
I got the unique opportunity of meeting a sweet new life last Saturday as a former high school classmate welcomed her new baby girl Riley into she and her husband's life! She was so sweet at the shower and I was blessed to have her handed off to me so I could cuddle her! Congratulations Lindsey and Josh - the Lord has been good to you both!!!
We've had a little sickness here and there, but we've been blessed to stay relatively healthy through this winter! Getting out of consumer debt is so close we can SMELL it and we can't wait to get our income tax back and hopefully spurn us into financial freedom!! (Well...except for our house and student loans!)
I keep saying that one of these days I'll upload Christmas pictures and here it is February 10th! Oh happens! Now we're planning for Malachi's 3rd birthday (I can't believe it) and I'm thinking we'll go with a Veggie Tales theme...He's stuck on Veggie Tales and the Pirates Who Don't Do Anything right now so hopefully I can come up with something creative for that!!
Other than that, life has continued to be good to us and we continue to feel God's presence in our life together!
And, just in case I haven't mentioned it in a while...I sure do love my husband! He is an incredible father, and incredible husband and an incredible man! He sets the bar in my book!!!
We will be praying for you guys. I just know you will get your blessing soon! Can't wait to hear the good news! Love and God Bless!
HEY! Long time!!! Hope you are doing great! Love the valentine's. :) I don't know how you find time!!!!!!!!!!!! I just went to wally world and picked up some boxed ones. whew! :)
Hope you are doing great! Been thinking about you and hoping the best. :)
I have been thinking about you guys so I thought I would just leave a quick note to let you know. Hope all is well and that God is answering those prayers. Love & God Bless!
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