Merry Christmas from the Allen Family! Since my last post, we are still a family of three, hoping desperately that the Lord will add to our quiver soon! However, we have since been to a wonderful fertility specialist who has been incredibly aggressive in her treatment of us! We feel confident that we will have another baby in 2012 and can't wait to see what blessings the Lord bestows upon us out of these trying circumstances! We have more faith than ever before that He gives beauty for ashes and that He is in control of it all!!
Malachi is doing FANTASTIC! Writing his name like a champ, starting to add small numbers together and is actually starting to sound out words! The other day we were at a stop sign and we heard him say, "S-T-O-P...SSSSTTTTOOOPPP" We were VERY excited and impressed by the amount of information his little brain is picking up!! He is just a joy to us in every way!
My mom did a vision check on him the other day at the daycare and his vision was poor. He knew all of his letters until he got to the 4th line, then, out of nowhere, it was obvious he had NO idea what he was looking at! Turns out, after an appointment with the pediatric eye doctor, he has astigmatism in both eyes. So, my beautiful boy now has glasses and is SO adorable in them!! He wears them perfectly and actually told me the other morning (when I forgot to put them on him first thing) that he couldn't see. So, I guess that's a good sign that his glasses are doing their job!!

We are so looking forward to Christmas this year since it's the first that Malachi has really understood it a little more! Daddy and Mommy's present to each other will hopefully arrive sometime in September, but we won't find out about whether or not that will/has happen(ed) for a little while longer! Malachi saw a train table at Sam's in September that had all the pieces and was really quite attractive, as far as train tables go! It was espresso colored wood (the same as his bedroom set) and really nice looking! I told him (after Daddy reinforced how cool this monstrosity was) that I wasn't sure if we could get it because I didn't think we had room. His response? "That's okay Mommy, I'll ask Santa." Sure enough, that's exactly what he has done everytime he's seen Santa...guess we'll just have to wait and see if that's what he got! ;o) (But, to be on the safe side, we've already measured and found a perfect spot in his room just in case Santa delivers on his persistent request!) We are so thankful to be able to provide for him and pay for the very expensive fertility treatments we are now undergoing! It's taken some dedication, but it's definitely getting us back on rice and beans, beans and rice which is always a good thing! We hope you all have a wonderful Merry Christmas and remember Who this wonderful holiday is all about!

1 comment:
Love the santa pic! Hope your holidays went great! They were all a blur this past year but fun! Thinking of you lots and praying for you!
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