Sometimes I think my life really is a fairytale. I mean, c'mon...I'm married to the man that I used to dream about in junior high. I remember watching him across the lunch room with his friends. I remember putting sweet little hearts around his face in my 7th grade yearbook. I remember watching him sing in Mrs. Weber's choir room and thinking he was so handsome in his cheap, purple cumberbund and bowtie! I remember that moment in high school when he walked into my Spanish 1 class...with Senorita Baker (now Senora Campbell.) And...that first week, I remember him picking out the name Fernando for that class! We will forever be Fernando y Alicia to Senoras Campbell and Evans. I remember flirting and passing notes and my heart fluttering with one look from him. I remember talking to him at Fair on the Square and begging my parents for $1.00 so I could buy a glow necklace for some charity he was selling them for! I remember that JV football game where he actually sat in front of me and a certain someone (who shall remain nameless) kept distracting us from one another. If I remember right, that was a powderpuff game...and I held his blanket while all the Varsity players were called out onto the field! (My heart just skipped a beat again...I was NOT the type of girl that the typical jocks went for!) I remember that first phone call that lasted 6 hours and how we could've talked for 60 more if only his portable phone batteries had held out! I remember telling him straight out that my parents' rule was that he had to go to a Baptist church if he wanted to date me...and him saying ok! I remember meeting at the park that next day...I remember what we were both wearing. I remember how it felt just to finally be his girlfriend. I remember walking into school as Thomas Allen's girlfriend for the first time...I don't know if anyone cared...but I couldn't have felt more special! I remember that less than 2 weeks after we finally started "going out" he told me he loved me...and I loved him too. I remember that sweet and beautiful construction paper rose he made me for our one month anniversary and I remember carrying it with me so I could smell his cologne that he had sprayed on it! I remember the shared candy bars in Mrs. Gwinn's Physics class and the projects we always had to do together! I remember that we never got less than a 100!! Even then we made a great team! I remember sitting in Coach Doak's health class (because we had different lunches) and him telling me just to go ahead and go spend lunch with him! It didn't happen terribly often, but the whole class knew that when that bell rang in the middle of class...nothing else mattered to me except to see him walk by and smile and blow me a kiss! I remember the horrible feeling it was to say goodbye while he went to Seattle with the choir and I didn't get to go...and I remember my best friend holding me in the rain that night as the bus drove away and I sobbed! (Thanks Chrissy...I won't ever forget that!) I remember writing him a letter for each day he was to be gone and then decorating a box for him to take with him! I remember the sweet notebook he came back with filled with letters he'd written while he was away...I remember getting the last letter from him in that notebook right before we were to be married! I remember the apple scented lotion he brought back from that trip for me! I remember Grease, the musical...and listening to the Wichita Falls football game the afternoon of our Saturday performance because I couldn't go. I remember that he was the leading receiver that game and we yarned his Explorer with purple yarn and made purple eagles to put all over it! I remember being so proud! I remember the fear I had when I graduated and we weren't going to be in school together anymore. I remember traveling to Lubbock with the Marriott family to watch a playoff game and seeing my sweet friend (and future roommate), Honnah, there and hunkering down to watch Canyon in the snow! I remember that promise ring...and how I used to gaze at it sitting at WT wondering what class he was in! I remember finding out he was going to Abilene for college and the agony our hearts felt. I remember the weekend of my 18th birthday driving to Abilene with my wonderful Mom and Honnah to go surprise him...and then going to the movie theatre and walking into every single theatre yelling his name...except for the one theatre he was actually in. Planet of the Apes...really? I remember seeing that room light come on finally and calling him, telling him to look out his window!! And then...I remember our engagement...and how wonderful it felt to finally call him my fiance! I remember those too short weekends together before he would turn around and make the 4 hour drive back. I remember that Christmas when he finally came home to me for good...and we vowed never to be apart like that again! I remember skipping Political Science just to spend a bit more time together. I remember that trip to Lubbock where we decided to go to Tech and we were so excited to start off on our new adventure together! I remember falling into his arms when my parents pulled away that Saturday and I was living away from my parents...for the first time...and was terrified! I remember Tech football games, tearing down goalposts when we beat UT and preparing for my Spanish play in College. I remember preparing for our wedding for months and months and months and just knowing everything was going to be perfect...and it was! I remember that moment in our wedding when I had to give him my grandmother's handkerchief because he was crying just as hard as I was! And then...we were finally married. All those years later...our countdown was finally over. I was finally Mrs. Thomas Allen!
Honey - I wouldn't trade these last 14 years for ANYTHING. We grew up together...we've seen each other at our best and at our worst. We've seen indescribable happiness with the birth of our son and indescribable pain. I've seen you get saved and grow and mature in the Lord and now I get to watch you teach our son how to be a godly man. I get to watch you teach other young people what it means to follow God's will, wholly and completely and without questioning! You've opened your heart to possibilities beyond our wildest imagination and you've held me when those hopes have come crashing down. You are strong for me because you are strong in the Lord...and you've given me more happiness and love than one woman ever deserves! I am so in love with you...I would say just as much as that day, October 10, 1998...but it's so much more than that now! My heart hurts sometimes and I get short of breath when I think how blessed I am to have you and your love! My heart still flutters when you grab my hand and instantly I am taken back to high school, walking through the halls with you, my varsity football player boyfriend. I am so thankful that the Lord has seen fit to give us a consistent love for one another and that our fairytale, high school sweetheart relationship has been true and real. I know it doesn't usually work out this way...and I know we had lots of people telling us it wouldn't! But, it has - and I could not be more thankful for that! You are my husband, my soul mate, my leader, my best friend and my confidante!
Thank you for loving me and for being my KISA!! Happy 9 year wedding birthday!
6 years ago
1 comment:
LOVE THIS! So sweet and rare, what the two of you have. Happy Anniversary!
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