Malachi is now 6 weeks old! I know, I can't believe it either! It's crazy that it's been that long already! But, each day we are having more and more fun with him! As you can see from the latest slideshow, he still sleeps a lot, but he's starting to wake up a LOT more! We've gotten into a routine, finally! Thomas and I get him up in the morning (whenever he wakes up for his morning bottle) and it depends on what time it is as to who feeds him. If it's early enough, I get to feed and change him in the mornings and get him ready for daycare. However, after about 6:30, it's Daddy time since mommy has to be at work at 8:00. Then daddy gets his bottles ready and we usually leave the house around 7:30. This morning we woke up in SUCH a good mood. Last night, Malachi had a bottle at 5:00, slept until 11:30, (I was HEAVEN) woke up, ate, went back to sleep until 3:30, woke up, ate, went back to sleep until around 7:00. We've bumped him up to 4 oz bottles, so he's lasting a little longer between feedings! It was so nice to actually sleep with my husband in bed beside me last night. We are finally settling into being parents with a newborn and are loving it!
We went to 2 Dr.'s appointments today. The first was Dr. Hopkins, my doctor for MY 6 week checkup! Everything went well, he put us BACK on birth control (YEA FOR US) and said unless something "happens" he won't see us for another year or so. Which we are PRAYING for. We know we want at least 1 more child, but we want Malachi to be potty-trained by the time that happens. So, for everyone who's wondering, we'll probably start "trying" again around a year and a half to 2 years from now. As long as it took us to get pregnant with Malachi, we don't want to wait too long to number 2 to come along!
Malachi had his 6 week shots today also. He weighs 8lbs 12 oz (meaning he's gained 3 lbs in 6 weeks) and he's probably somewhere around 22 in long! Strange to think my little brother was 8lbs 12 oz and 25 in long, AT BIRTH!!! My poor mother, I have a whole new respect for her now! haha But the Dr. is happy, he's had his shots (not as bad as I thought it would be) and we're moving right along! Our next appt is 7/24 and we'll update on the progress then! Other than that, there are no new developments. We're just having a GREAT time being parents! It's true what they say, you never know how much love you REALLY have until you have a child. It's incredible!!!
On the job front, I got a promotion yesterday and as of July 1st I will be the City Manager for the villages of Lake Tanglewood and Timbercreek Canyon. I know, it's not like I'm the City Manager of Dallas or anything, but it's the first chance I've gotten to use my degree. Our office is contracted out to do the City Management for these villages and I have been chosen to take that position. So I have moved from Program Specialist to Coordinator in a year (which usually takes at least 5 years before management will consider that) and I am very excited about the challenges I'm about to face!
P.S. For those of you who haven't yet, please check out our video!
6 years ago
1 comment:
Congrats on the promotion!!!
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