Wow!! I can't believe it's already been 1 whole month since our sweet baby boy made his grand appearance! It's so funny to think that 1 month ago Malachi was still inside my tummy! I've actually woken up a few times thinking I felt him move inside me, and then, I put my hand on my tummy instinctively and remember he's not there anymore. You know, they say when people are missing a limb like an arm or a leg, they can still feel pain sometimes. I guess that's kinda what I feel like. I sure am glad to be fitting back into my pre-pregnancy clothes though! Some of them are still a little snug, so I'll have to wait a little longer to get into those. But, I've gotten back into some of my 10s and I even bought a new dress yesterday! YEA ME!!
We're still struggling to settle into a routine with Malachi! He was waking up from about 10:00pm to 3:00am. Last night, however, he woke up around 8:00 and was fussy until about midnight. However, at midnight, I finally laid him down beside me in bed and wrapped him up nice and snug. I let him lay on his tummy since his tummy seemed to be bothering him and he slept so well until about 2:30. But, it had been 5 hours since his last bottle, so he was allowed to cry for that! haha, just kidding Thomas got up and fed him at 2:30 and then he slept until about 6:30 this morning! I saw a different formula, still the brand our Dr. recommended, but, this "formula" of the "formula" is specially made for fussy and/or gassy babies. So, Lolli is going to watch today to see if his gas seems to be getting better. We are also considering taking him to a chiropractor. Yes, we will make sure he/she is a good chiropractor and we will check references. But, a friend of ours has a 7 month old and she struggled for a few weeks with colic. Then, she took her son to the chiropractor and IMMEDIATELY saw an improvement. At this point, my frazzled nerves are ABOUT ready to try most anything.
It is the most frustrating thing to know that your child is uncomfortable, but not know how to comfort him. It makes you feel like such a failure sometimes. Thankfully, I have the support of Thomas who has taken such an incredible role in our lives. He is so strong, and I think God is giving him the special ability to calm ME down just as much as he can calm Malachi down. He keeps telling me I'm doing a good job, and that babies just cry sometimes. What would I do without him? He's incredible. I always thought he would be a good dad, but it's just amazing to see HOW good he is. God has blessed me with an incredible husband and Malachi with an incredible father!
This Sunday we get to introduce him at church, and that is SUPER exciting. I'm so happy that Thomas gets to introduce his son on Father's Day! I'm working hard on getting his FIRST Father's Day present together, but I can't tell you what it is until AFTER he gets it. He reads this blog a LOT!! I'll be sure and post pictures of the special event next week!!
In the meantime, I also had my showers this past weekend. My work shower was Friday and my family shower was Saturday. Saturday was INCREDIBLE!!! We had SUCH a good time. The hostesses were all SO sweet and worked SO hard to make my day special, and it SO WAS!! My cookies were adorable, the safari theme was SO FUN and the decorations were very cute! I can tell that the ladies put a LOT of work into the shower and it showed. I could not have asked for a more special day and could not have celebrated with more special people! A BIG thanks goes out to Aunt Gradena, Morgan, Hannah, Aunt Kelly, Aunt Bubzees, Aunt Donna and Aunt Barbara. Without all of your love and hard work, my shower wouldn't have been NEAR as exciting and fun! Hopefully I'll get pictures soon so I can post all the fun we had!
The time is drawing near for Malachi's cousin, Elliot, to make her debut. We're praying for Jennie and Jordan and hoping their delivery goes smoothly and Elli comes quickly and easily!! We can't wait to meet her and have a playdate!
6 years ago
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