Monday, November 16, 2009


I'm a little bit late on posting this. I could go on and on about how busy I've been. I could tell you about my weekends and how crazy life has been. But, I won't. I'll just start from where I left off!!
Halloween this year was a BLAST! Malachi was sick for a few days before with Strep and the Flu, but, we got past it for Saturday's festivities and I'm SO glad that we did! We all decided to get together this year and take our kids trick-or-treating since they're all old enough (almost all of them, anyway) to have a good time!
So, we ALL met at Lolli's house before we commenced Trick-Or-Treating!! All the mommies were thinking that we needed to take pictures BEFORE we started just in case the babies gave up before the night was over!!
This is the best we could get (at least on my camera) - sorry Amanda, Austin wasn't having it! From L to R, (front) Malachi, Connor Cockrell, Austin Schoenenberger (back) Kadi Jo, Karter Lane, Carson Cockrell and Tyler Schoenenberger! And, yes, my son's diaper is showing, those buttons were stubborn!

Special thanks goes to Aunt Kelly for allowing Malachi to use Karter's 1st Halloween costume! He was a HIT! I'm telling you, they just don't come ANY cuter do they? (It's okay if you think the same about your kiddos...I won't mind!) Malachi and Connor - A BOOGER to get them to BOTH look at the camera...AT THE SAME TIME!!! Yes, his face is a little shiny. It was DRY and I lathered him up and APPARENTLY didn't get it all rubbed in. Ask anyone, we're pretty good about gettin' him all greasy!! (It's our secret to his pretty complexion!) A Boy of MANY Expressions!!

Me and My Baby Boy - the only person who knows what my heart feels like from the inside!!

So, who is we ALL, you ask? I've shown you the kids, now here's behind all those little monsters and superheroes! Pops, Kurt Cockrell, Daniel, Thomas, Carl Schoenenberger, Kelly, Tyler Schoenenberger, Carson Cockrell, Keela and Deann, Kadi Jo, Karter Lane, Lolli, Malachi, Amanda Schoenenberger, Austin, Melissa Cockrell and Me (behind the camera!)

We all piled in Pops' truck and headed over a few streets to where we KNEW the trick-or-treating would be at its best! But, first, we had to stop and see Donna at Ninny's house! (We miss you Ninny and we wish you were HERE!)

Connor and Malachi Trick-or-Treating at their VERY FIRST HOUSE EVER!

Emmalie, Aunt Donna and, Malachi! We're so glad, Aunt Donna, that you got to be part of his first Trick-Or-Treating experience! We love you!

He caught on pretty fast!

Lolli and her little monsters!

This Frankenstein danced and sang Michael Jackson songs! Malachi danced and danced!

I just thought this was a cute angle!

Our protectors! I told them they looked like bouncers! (Or a parade float!)

And, finally, here's a couple pictures of Lolli all tricked out as Witchiepoo (Malachi was napping) and visiting Pops with Kadi and Karter (Post-Nap!)


Jamie H said...

Stopping by to check you out since you commented on my BF post :) Cute Halloween picts!

Mommy said...

The kids look so cute all dressed up! I love Halloween!