Wednesday, May 7, 2008

Houston, we are go for launch!!!

This is the future father to be speaking. I have yet to post anything yet, so I decide I'd better go ahead and do so. Well, we went to the doctor yesterday and probably got our last sonogram until Malachi is born. Currently, we are at 35 weeks, 4 days, and full term starts at 37 weeks. So, we are just 10 days away from Malachi being considered "done." Between the weeks of 37 and 40, not much really happens to him but weight gain. His lungs should be fully developed by now, so we are thankful for that. So if he were born now, the chance he would stay in the hospital and not go home is very low. On the sonogram, they estimated his weight to be about 5 pounds, plus or minus a few ounces. He is in the 26 percental for weight, meaning he is a little small, but still in the normal range. He will probably not be an 8 or even a 7 pound baby. The biggest he probably will get is 6.5 pounds, if we even make it to 40 weeks. So, he will just be a small bundle of joy for us. The important thing is that he is perfectly healthy and has no signs of being stressed right now. We also met with our doctor yesterday and he said he is very happy we made it this far. Jamie has been on bed rest for 4.5 weeks, so we did not expect to make it this long. We have had several times that the contractions have started to pick up, but they tend to go away on their own. I know that the time will come when the contractions will just keep coming, and we will be off to the races. The doctor checked Jamie, and she is currently dilated to a 3 and is 70% effaced, meaning that her cervix is still thinning. Last monday, she was a 3 and 60% effaced, so the contractions are doing a little to the cervix, but she has not dilated anymore. If she reaches 100% effacement, then the odds of labor go way up. Odds are we will not make it to 40 weeks, so I expect that Malachi will be born within the month of May. My guess to when Malachi will arrive is May 19 (full moon that day). We are as ready as we can be for his arrival. Everything in the nursery is finished and ready to use. Our bags are packed and the camera is charged. So, hopefully the next time we go to the hospital, we will come home with Malachi. Surprisingly, I am looking forward to the late night feedings and diaper changes. I know that the change from it being just the two of us to the three of us will be very exciting. I look forward to mowing the yard with little Malachi and his bubble mower. I look forward to him riding his first bike and going to school for the first time. I also look forward to his first birthday to see if he can put on a birthday hat or not!!! There are so many things that I look forward to, but the most is the one moment that could happen any day now. So, keep your cell phone handy, we could be having him at any moment!!!


The Jackson Family said...

Hey guys, it was so much fun seeing you this last weekend. We loved little Malachi's room. It was so cozy. Thomas, your blog was soooooo sweet. You are going to be a great daddy. We love you guys. Keep us posted!

Anonymous said...

Jamie - I was so glad you called last night. You and Thomas have very much been on my mind lately knowing that the birth of Malachi was getting so close. Know that all 3 of you are in my prayers and I am looking forward to being Great-Aunt Cindy!! I let Paul, Jeff & Jenn know the latest news and am forwarding your blog to each of them. We love all of you. Aunt Cindy Beachley

Anonymous said...

hang in there and enjoy those full night's sleep!!!!!!!

missa said...

Thomas...I am so proud of you. You are going to be a great father! You are in my thoughts...i love you very much!

Anonymous said...

Great work.

Anonymous said...


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