Monday, June 1, 2009

More 1st B-day Pictures

Okay so I've finally gotten around to getting pictures off of MY camera (no, not the lost one, the big one that we rarely pull out anymore, unless, of course, mommy lost hers...ah well, how thankful we are that we are blessed enough to worry about WHICH camera to use...) But I digress!
Here's Mommy and Mali right before the party started!
Aren't his monkey ears just the cutest?

And here's the whole family! I know I'm biased, but aren't we cute? haha!(Oh, and here's a MUCH better view of the T-Shirt Angela over at made us!)

Here's Mali on his little turtle Lolli and Pops got him! He LOVES to ride on it, even though he can't push himself on it just quite yet! Oh well...Daddy's a GREAT pusher! Can't you just see how much fun he's having? (Okay, how much fun they're BOTH having!)

Cheeks just don't come any more kissable do they??

And - here is Malachi's cake AFTER he tore into it! Once he got past the icing, there was no stopping him!

I wonder if Lolli got rid of that blue ring around her tub??? Just Kidding - it came right off, surprisingly! We sure thought we'd be sending a little boy who looked like he ate a smurf to church on Sunday morning!!

Does anyone ELSE see a future Senior Yearbook picture here?

Mom...enough with the naked bath pictures already!

And, last but not least, mom tried to get creative, but it didn't work!'s a cute picture of Mali all wrapped up in Lolli's beach towel! What a great day! (And, hi to Holly and Collin who got in this shot with us!)


somebody,somewhere said...

i just linked to your blog through mckmama's forum and have spent almost an hour reading . . . my step daughter has an 8 month old little boy who has been vomiting MANY times a day - and has not been gaining any weight - he was a chunky guy at birth, but has slowed down, and maybe even lost some recently. today, they did a test at their local hospital where he drank something and they did some test, and the dr. called them at 7:30 tonight telling them that they should indeed keep their appointment with the children's hospital in a "neighboring" (2 hours away) town. i'd love to be in touch with you, and compare some of this situation to yours, and then maybe have my dear step daughter chat with you. sounds quite similar to your little guy. i followed your link about Pyloric Stenosis and ty (our little guy) fit many of the descriptions given. if you have a minute, stop by my blog and leave a note, or e-mail me at (but i lose lots of things to my junk mail there, so the blog may be best!) thanks!

the story of us said...

jamie - this is sheila again - i just e-mailed you after reading your comment (new one) on mckmama's forum and would greatly appreciate it if you'd read it.

megan said...

Hi there...
I saw your blog thourgh MckMamma...I just wanted to pass along a little support and say that your son is adorable! I hope he feels better soon, I thought it was really sweet your hubby takes turns in the night I have three kids and my hubby has never helped me once! I still love him though :) Blessings to you

Andrea Gutierrez said...
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Kelly said...

Super cute birthday pictures!! He is adorable!