Wednesday, April 21, 2010

Resurrection Sunday - Part 2

So, after we had a HUGE lunch of ham, brisket, potatoes, mac and cheese, rolls, salad, TONS of desserts and YUMMY ice tea - it was time for the Easter Egg Hunt.  Malachi was too young last year, so this year was particularly fun for us for the first time.  I'm still not convinced that he understood it all and by the time we got around to hunting, it was WAY past his naptime.  So, he hunted a little and then went out for the count.  We still had a wonderful time, though!!!

Here is Malachi's Easter Bucket.  I got the idea online, but decided the buckets I saw were WAY too expensive to buy.  I could TOTALLY make that!!  And, it turns out, I was right!!!  I had tons of fun with Aunt Danielle and Aunt Kelly making these buckets with our kids.  I'm thinking we started a new tradition!! 
Here's all the kids' buckets lined up outside and ready to go!!  Robert's was dinosaur, Kadi Jo's was, of course, Princess, Karter had Pirates and Malachi had Monkeys!!!  I'm telling you, these were SO easy to make and SO MUCH FUN!!!  And, they're personalized. Malachi is now using his as a crayon/coloring book holder!!  However, I STILL don't think he likes to touch the handle with all the ribbons on it...He would NOT carry it while hunting for his eggs!!
All the kiddos getting ready. 
Our baby boy's first time hunting (well, okay, picking up) Easter Eggs!!  I remember last year how LITTLE he was.  Just crawling!!!  Man, how time flies!  I'm so glad we're enjoying every little moment with him.  I know I'll blink and he'll be graduating!
Mali - LOOK!
Got it Dad!
He was SO proud of his eggs!!  This is approximately 1.2 seconds before he smashed them together and egg went EVERYWHERE!!!
After naptime it was time for the traditional chocolate bunny
Don't even THINK about taking it away from me this year!

How incredibly blessed we are to have such a beautiful little boy!  He is SO happy.  (Most of the time, anyway!)  And, did you notice?  UNDIES!!  I am happy to report that we are completely potty trained except for naptime/nighttime.  He's been waking up dry the last couple weeks in the morning (with a few exceptions) and as far as I know, he's waking up dry at naptime.  So, we'll be transitioning to underwear at naptime and then slowly get to nighttime.  We'll be DONE by the time he's 2!!!!!  I'm SO proud of him! 

In just 1 short month he'll turn 2 and I've already spent 2 whole Saturdays on party prep!  Thanks to Lolli for helping me shop this past weekend and thanks to Lolli AND Brittany (my baby brother has a girlfriend...tear)for helping me put together his banner.  Here's a sneak peek of the party theme...

Finally, here's my baby boy eating his second chocolate bunny...another tradition!!  He had JUST woken up from nap, so he was still a little whiny!!


TheSmellyArmpit said...

I LOVE THE EASTER BUCKETS! These are sooo cute! And the pic of Mali holding the easter eggs is adorable. :)

Can't believe our boys will be 2 soon. The choochoo train invite is sooo cute! I'm starting to work on MageeBoy's but need to set aside some time. It's fun!!!

Glad things are going so great!

Ashley said...

Those easter buckets are so cute. Way to go on the potty training. Hadassah was done a couple of months before 2 as well. It is sooo nice!

TheSmellyArmpit said...

hey hey! How are things going? Hope great! I'm feeling much better with the iron supplements! Plus all my travel is now over yahooo! until the holidays at the end of the year. wahooo!

Hope things are going great!!!