Friday, January 30, 2009

One more new trick!

I can't believe how fast things are beginning to move with Malachi. He has taken off so quickly since he's feeling better! EVERYONE compliments him on how straight he sits and that he's got GREAT posture. He's talking up a storm (even though the video below doesn't show it) and he's starting to scoot everywhere! I know he's still a little behind, but I'm trying REALLY hard not to compare him to other kids his age. I have to remember, he was a month early and he was sick for 2 months which set him back a little. Oh well...he's catching up really fast!

Last night he had a bubble bath for the first time! We've started just sitting him up in the tub and he loves splashing. So, last night, we put bubbles in. (Lavender scented...he slept ALL night and we had to wake him up this morning!) Here's a couple of cute pictures from that!

Everyone needs a cute bubble hairdo right?

Still Chewing on that Right Side - No teeth Yet!

He has also learned how to wave bye-bye! It's so fun teaching him all these new things! I have yet to catch him saying "dada" but I'll keep trying this weekend!

Sorry about the bouncy camera in the beginning and the poor lighting - we were in the car!


TheSmellyArmpit said...

Oh, these are such cute photos!!! Thank you so much for the nice note you left on my blog. Here's some info about my spiritual journey (there's a list of good books about marriage - have you read the Power of a Prayerful Wife? It's great!)
Hope you are staying warm!

Rachel said...

I found your blog through the "baby gooch" blog and I read it from time to time. Your son is beautiful! I love all of the pictures.

I am so glad you are trying not to compare your sweet little boy to other children. I know it is difficult. My daughter was born at 35 weeks and was behind on everything... except for talking... especially saying "no". :) She is about to turn 18 months and just started walking at 17 months. It is very discouraging, because trust me I know how it feels, but just know they all do if eventually. And as long as you have waited it will be that much more beautiful and special! I am sure this probably isn't what you want to hear (I wouldn't either) but it is true! :)

Bless you and your family!

Sara Nickson said...

I love bath pictures! He's adorable!