Thursday, March 18, 2010

Potty Training

Yes, that's right, we're potty training!!!
Last weekend, while Mommy and Daddy were away in Dallas seeing DAVE RAMSEY LIVE - Lolli started potty training Malachi. He did so well, that we're off and running for real and he's doing GREAT! He typically makes it through the day without any accidents. Yesterday, he had 1 and that wasn't his fault. We are SO VERY EXCITED and PROUD of our 22 month old boy who is already potty training! We contemplated getting a potty chair or his own little potty, but Lolli explained that he needs to learn to go on a big potty for when we're in public. (Yuck, I know!) So, he's just learning on the big boy potty and it's working perfectly!!! (Side note...I just LOVE the little underwear...SO CUTE!) I realize we'll have our down days, but so far, it's been AWESOME!

Here is a picture of his potty stool that Lolli and Pop started working on this weekend. Pop made it and Lolli put his name and the Curious George face on it. (FREEHAND, might I add!!!) Lolli will paint it soon and I'll put a picture up then!! They've made a stool for each of their grandchildren (Karter and Kadi) so now it's Malachi's turn!!!! I'm SO excited for this change. It's going to be a HUGE improvement to carrying diapers around. (Especially when we go on our CRUISE in July...oh, I haven't told y'all about that? haha Maybe sometime soon!)

Is that not the CUTEST? Of course, we LOVE monkeys, if you haven't been able to tell so far! I'm telling you, I have the most awesome parents ever!! They spoil Malachi (and us) SO MUCH! I'm so very thankful!

As far as what ELSE has been going on...

Today was crazy hair day at daycare...

(Not sure why daddy looks so crazy in this picture...haha!)

And...yes, Daddy and I went with our good friends to see Dave Ramsey LIVE in Dallas this past weekend. It was INCREDIBLE. HUGE kick in the pants to keep going. I'm working on a full-blown post for that one by itself!!

We're starting to work on 2nd b-day preparations and, we've discovered that Malachi is OBSSESSED with choo-choos! So, we'll be putting together a choo choo train party. Not a Thomas the Train party. Just a generic choo choo party. (I'm not into characters all that much...) But, it's going to be a blow-out if I can manage to get all of the ideas in my head to come together!!

Other than that, we're happy, we're healthy, we're on our way to being completely debt free and our marriage is SO MUCH better for it. However, I have one prayer request to ask for...there are some changes that could be coming up in our life (READ: NOT baby related...hahahaha) and we're praying that the Lord will have HIS will. We're also praying that HIS will is OUR will!! I don't feel comfortable saying any more than that right now, just suffice it to say, it would be REALLY great for our family if the Lord sees fit to answer our prayers in the affirmative!!

Be Blessed!!


TheSmellyArmpit said...

WOWOWOW! I'm trying to start potty training but need some tips. I started him on pullups this week but so far he just says peepee or poopoo AFTER the fact. Did you just switch him to underwear and then he figured it out? What is your secret supermommy!!! I need help. :)

Thanks for all the happy comments. I wish I lived in your town because I know we would probably do everything together especially with our little ones being around the same age and we both love the Lord. C'est la vie! Maybe someday. :)
OHHHHH I'm sooo excited that you go to see Dave Ramsey LIVE. wahoooo! I be that was so cool. We are trying to live by the envelopes(didn't do so good the last two weeks but back on the wagon or off the wagon or whatever tonight since C got paid tonight at midnight wahooo!)

Hope you have a great great weekend! I'll be praying that ya'lls eyes and ears will be open to what God is saying to do. He'll let you know at the right time. :) Happy weekend!

Robyn said...

Way to go Malachi! Boys seem to potty train so much later so that is great. I'm glad to hear that Malachi is feeling better. I've been reading our blog, and I will admit I was in tears for you by the end of your frustrating journey of getting your sick baby better! I have been luck with Braxton's health, but there is nothing worse than a sick child! Sending prayers your way!

TheSmellyArmpit said...

Thank you so much for the advice! I'm officially starting on big boy pants tomorrow. whew!!! I posted about it and linked back to you. :)

Hope everything is going great! Can't believe Easter is almost here. wow!