Saturday, August 30, 2008

Lots of Firsts!!!

This week was a busy week of firsts in the Allen household!!
First, Thursday night, Malachi tried his "first" serving of cereal and apple butter - YUMMY!!! As you can see, he ATE IT UP!!

Then, Friday night, Daddy was SOOO excited! It was Malachi's first football game!! Yea Eagles! Not only was daddy excited about the football game because, duh, it's a football game, but he was also excited about showing off his precious little Tight End (his son that is...haha!!) I must admit, I was pretty excited about it too! This was really the first time we've gotten him out where we would see a LOT of people we knew in high school etc., to show everyone the cutest little boy ever born. Okay, I know, I'm partial, but it's okay to say that your own kid is the cutest ever born, as long as you know everyone else will say that about their's too!! So, we took him in in his little "SHHHH...I'm watching the game with dad" onesie, his football pacifier clip, his football socks and his new Canyon Eagles blanket. I'm telling you, he was "footballed" out!! Here's a few pictures of our evening out!!

We LOVE our Canyon Eagle Football Games!!!

My Two Handsome Men!!

And then, it was over!!

A Quick Kudos to my sweet cousin, Hannah, and a congratulations for joining Marching Band!! Here a some pictures of her and the Canyon High Soaring Pride Band!!

She's the one right under the snare drum, smiling at me!!

Playing her clarinet!!

We are so proud of you!

Then, Saturday, Lolli, Pops, Mommy, Daddy and Mali all took off and went to Babies R Us and Target for some shopping. While at Babies R Us, of course, Mommy had to go look at shoes for Malachi. Pops, however, found ultimate success. He got Malachi his first NIKEs!!! They are SOOOO cute! Pops was very proud of his find and his little buddy had his new shoes on before we even left the store!! Then, we headed into Target and Malachi got to put sunglasses on for the first time!! They cousin Karter's old sunglasses from when he was Malachi's age, so they're extra special! Take a look at the hippest 3 1/2 month old around!!

Well, Lolli and Pops and Uncle Logie might be coming over this morning for breakfast burritos, and Malachi just dropped a bomb on daddy. But, no surprise, it's 7:30 in the morning, and that's our schedule!! (Okay, that might have been more info than you wanted to know, but to new parents, it's big news that your kid poops on a schedule!!!)


Unknown said...

i LOVE the pictures of Malachi eating new foods! I can't believe that he's already gotten big enough to do that! I go back to work next Monday...I'm anxious about it but ready.

You look great in that picture of you guys at the football game!

b said...

Yall look great in purple! What a fun day! Love yall! Aunt Bubzes and Uncle Dub

Jaden Berkeley and Mia said...

I was so good to see you too! I hope I look as good as you after I have this baby. Thanks for the car seat advise. So many decisions! I'm feeling a little better. I can't wait for that 2nd trimester "high" to kick in! Hope to see you soon.