Tuesday, December 23, 2008

The Best Christmas Present Ever

Last year, at this time, I remember laying on my mom's couch thinking that I could feel Malachi moving inside of me. Wow, how far we've come in just a short year. Now, I've just left the Dr.'s office for what I hope to be at least another month or so, until his 8 month checkup. He's gained 8 OZ since Sunday!! That's half a pound, people!!! He's back up to 15lbs 6 oz and is doing REALLY well. He is starting to try to sit up, and has started really playing in his Johnny Jump Up! We're even working on getting him to say Dada now! We'll see if it happens for real before Christmas?!?

Anyway, I've gotten what I wanted for Christmas Thanksgiving finally! I have a healthy, happy little boy!!!

THANK YOU LORD for blessing me so much!

Merry Christmas to everyone - I hope it's as good as I KNOW ours is going to be!!


Zapas News said...

nice blog

visit my blog please

b said...

We are so glad he is doing so well! See you guys soon!

TheSmellyArmpit said...

So glad to read that things are going much better! So glad!!! Glad to read you got to be home over Christmas!! whew! I like reading about how you felt last Christmas; isn't it neat to get to hold them now and not just feel them moving! wow, time flies!!!